Legislation relevant to TCorp

The main New South Wales legislation applicable to TCorp is listed below:

  • The Treasury Corporation Act 1983 establishes New South Wales Treasury Corporation (“TCorp”) as the central financing authority for the New South Wales public sector. Under this act, TCorp’s principal objective is “to provide financial services for, or for the benefit of, the New South Wales government, public authorities and other public bodies”.
  • The Government Sector Finance Act 2018 which provides, amongst other things, the framework for government sector financial management in New South Wales.
  • The Government Sector Audit Act 1983 contains the requirements for a general audit of TCorp’s annual financial report by the NSW Audit Office.

Agency Information Guide

Structure and functions of TCorp

New South Wales Treasury Corporation (TCorp) is the central financing authority for the New South Wales public sector. Its principal object is to provide financial services for the benefit of the New South Wales Government, public authorities and other public bodies. The Treasury Corporation Act 1983 gives TCorp the power to:

  • Provide finance for the New South Wales Government and public authorities
  • Provide management or advice in relation to New South Wales Government and public authority assets and liabilities
  • Accept funds for investment from the Government, public authorities and other public bodies
  • Invest funds
  • Manage TCorp’s own assets and liabilities.

In order to carry-out these functions, TCorp requires powers to borrow, invest and undertake financial management transactions. These powers are derived from the Government Sector Finance Act 2018. TCorp has the same legal capacity, powers and authorities as a company under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).

TCorp’s governance

TCorp has a Board which is constituted in accordance with the Treasury Corporation Act. The legislation requires the Board to consist of the following members:

  • Secretary of New South Wales Treasury
  • Another Senior Officer of New South Wales Treasury appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury
  • TCorp’s Chief Executive
  • Up to 2 directors appointed by the Governor on the recommendation of the Treasurer, to represent the interest of public authorities
  • Up to 3 directors appointed by the Governor on the recommendation of the Treasurer.

The Chairperson of the Board is the Secretary of New South Wales Treasury and the Senior Officer from New South Wales Treasury is the Deputy Chairperson.

TCorp has 3 Board Committees: (i) Audit and Risk Committee; and (ii) Human Resources Committee (iii) Board Investment Committee.

TCorp is audited annually by the Audit Office of New South Wales, which reports directly to the New South Wales Parliament.

TCorp engages an external audit services provider to undertake and conduct internal audit projects as agreed by the Audit and Risk Committee under its internal audit charter and to report findings independently to the Audit and Risk Committee.

Executive management

The day-to-day management of TCorp is carried out by a team of 8 senior executives that report directly to the Chief Executive.

Decision-making functions of TCorp that affect general members of the public

TCorp’s functions have an indirect impact on the public, through the provision of specialised financial services to the Government, public authorities and other public bodies.

TCorp does however interact with the public in respect of its Retail Bond Programme. Under this programme TCorp accepts funds for investment from the retail sector. TCorp issues domestic retail bonds known as New South Wales Waratah Bonds to the public for various terms at market interest rates.

Arrangements for public participation in policy formulation

TCorp operates its borrowing, investment and liability and asset management functions in a competitive, commercial and market sensitive environment.

Policy is formulated by TCorp’s Management and is then reviewed and endorsed by the TCorp Board. Given the scope of TCorp’s activities, there are no formal mechanisms for public participation in the formation of policy, however TCorp will accept any feedback from members of the public, which should be addressed to TCorp’s GIPA Officer.

New South Wales Government information held by TCorp

TCorp holds a range of New South Wales Government information that consists of the following:

  • Accounting records: journals, reconciliations, bank statements, treasury management system computer reports, budgets, invoices and payment request vouchers
  • Administration records: relating to the rental of premises, insurances, purchasing, business continuity requirements, disaster recovery publications which are required to maintain operating effectiveness as well as company secretarial correspondence and delegations register
  • Client records: correspondence with TCorp clients maintained by the various TCorp business units which deal with clients on a range of financial services
  • Credit ratings records: policy, correspondence and exposure reports
  • Counterparty agreements and clearing house agreements: legal agreements setting out the terms and conditions of financial arrangements
  • Employee and director personnel records: employee remuneration, performance appraisal and personnel records
  • Executive records: Board papers, Board minutes, Executive Committee Minutes and Chief Executive correspondence
  • Human resource management records: relating to human resource management policies and practices
  • Information technology records: relating to information technology planning, acquisition, installation and disposal; including user and system manuals
  • Investment facilities service records: monthly and quarterly reports and correspondence
  • Marketing records: documenting the production of TCorp’s annual report, marketing presentations, functions and publications, planning and media resources
  • Policy and procedural manuals: documenting TCorp’s policies and operational procedures
  • Retail products records: administration and marketing of retail products undertaken by TCorp under the relevant legislative powers
  • Transaction records: financial transactions, (including dealing dockets, asset and liability management records, files on various financial instruments, structured financing) documenting the financial transactions undertaken by TCorp, including: legal agreements and supporting documentation in relation to bond issuance programmes, agreements with derivative counterparties and brokers, economic documentation, valuation reports, marketing issues, papers on policies and miscellaneous treasury matters.

Public access to TCorp information

Mandatory release

The public may seek access to TCorp’s publicly available information in the following tabs on this Important information page:

  • Contracts register

Proactive release

Other information that is frequently requested and is publicly available at the following links:

Other publicly available information

Informal release

Informal requests for information can be made to TCorp’s GIPA Officer (General Counsel 02 9325 9325). Provision of information is subject to any to any reasonable conditions which may be imposed by TCorp.

Formal release

TCorp may release information in response to a formal request. Formal requests should be made by way of a formal ‘access application’, a copy of which can be found at www.ipc.nsw.gov.au.

TCorp’s policies

TCorp’s policies relate to its principal objective of providing New South Wales Government and authorities with financial services. TCorp policies do not directly affect or are unlikely to affect rights, privileges or other benefits, or obligations, penalties or other detriments to which members of the public are or may become entitled, eligible or liable. TCorp policies that do not relate to its borrowing, investment and liability and asset management functions relate to its internal governance with the exception of the Personal Data Breach Policy.

Link Market Services Limited is the registry for all of TCorp’s domestic inscribed stock

Requests for information held by Link Market Services is dealt with in accordance with the GIPA Act, Privacy Act and Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing legislation and the Registry’s open access policies. For more information in relation to Link Market Services Limited, please visit their website at www.linkmarketservices.com.au.

Further information

Further information about the operation of the GIPA Act and your rights under the GIPA Act can be obtained from the Information and Privacy Commission NSW (IPC) by accessing the website at www.ipc.nsw.gov.au, by phone on 1800 472 679, by emailing ipcinfo@ipc.nsw.gov.au, or by writing to GPO Box 7011, Sydney NSW 2001. Public attendance at the IPC office is available via pre-arranged appointment. Documents can be submitted directly to the IPC via email or post.

Disclosure Log

At this time, TCorp has not received any GIPA Access Applications requiring disclosure on the TCorp Disclosures Log.

Right to information

Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act) was established to provide an open and transparent process for giving the public access to information from New South Wales public sector agencies and to encourage the proactive release of government information. The GIPA Act provides the public with certain rights to information which are designed to meet community expectations of more transparent government by:

  • Encouraging the proactive release of government information to the public
  • Giving the public an enforceable right to access government information
  • Restricting access to government information only when an overriding public interest against disclosure exists.

You can find out more about your right to information and ways you can access New South Wales Government information on the Information and Privacy Commission (IPC) website at www.ipc.nsw.gov.au.

Accessing TCorp’s information

TCorp makes certain information available to the public under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. In accordance with the legislative requirements, TCorp publishes a number of its policies on its website, together with its agency information guide, a disclosure log of information applications made under GIPA and TCorp’s register of government contracts with the private sector.

TCorp pays respect to the Traditional Custodians and First Peoples of NSW and acknowledges their continued connection to country and culture.